Delivery of Statements - Maharashtra Money-Lending (Regulation) Ordinance, 2014

(1) Every money-lender shall deliver or cause to be delivered every year to each of his debtors a legible statement of such debtor’s account signed by the money-lender or his agent of any account that may be outstanding against such debtor. The statement shall show,—

(i) the amount of principal, the amount of interest and the amount of fees referred to in section 26, separately, due to the money-lender at the beginning of the year ;

(ii) the total amount of loans advanced during the year ;

(iii)the total amount of repayments received during the year ; and

(iv)the amounts of principal and interest due at the end of the year.

The statement shall be signed by the money-lender or his agent, and shall be in any recognized language. It shall be in such form and shall be supplied to the debtor on or before such date as may be prescribed:

Provided that, no such statement shall be required to be delivered to a debtor if he is supplied by the money-lender with a pass book which shall be in the prescribed form and shall contain an up to date account of the transactions with the debtor.

The money-lender shall on or before the aforesaid date deliver or cause to be delivered a statement containing the particulars specified in clauses (i) to (iv) to the Assistant Registrar.

(2) In respect of any particular loan, the money-lender shall, on demand in writing being made by the debtor at any time during the period when the loan or any part thereof has not been repaid, and on payment of the prescribed fee supply to the debtor, or if the debtor so requires to any person specified in that behalf in the demand, a statement, in any recognized language, signed by the money-lender or his agent, and containing the relevant particulars specified in sub-section (1) within fifteen days from the date of application by the debtor.

(3) A money-lender shall, on demand in writing by the debtor, and tender of the prescribed sum of expenses, supply a copy of any document relating to a loan made by him or any security therefor to the debtor, or if the debtor so requires to any person specified in that behalf in the demand.

(4) For the purpose of this section, “year” means the year for which the accounts of the money-lender are ordinarily maintained in his own books.

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